The benefits of eating Easy
Responsive Feeding
Aboud, F. E., Shafique, S., & Akhter, S. (2009). A responsive feeding intervention increases children's self-feeding and maternal responsiveness but not weight gain. The Journal of nutrition, 139(9), 1738-1743.
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Sharing Family Meals
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Mindful Eating
Katterman SN, Kleinman BM, Hood MM, Nackers LM, Corsica JA. Mindfulness meditation as an intervention for binge eating, emotional eating, and weight loss: a systematic review. Eating behaviors. 2014 Apr 1;15(2):197-204.
O’Reilly GA, Cook L, Spruijt‐Metz D, Black DS. Mindfulness‐based interventions for obesity‐related eating behaviours: a literature review. Obesity reviews. 2014 Jun;15(6):453-61.
Ruffault A, Czernichow S, Hagger MS, Ferrand M, Erichot N, Carette C, Boujut E, Flahault C. The effects of mindfulness training on weight-loss and health-related behaviours in adults with overweight and obesity: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity research & clinical practice. 2017 Sep 1;11(5):90-111.
Katterman SN, Kleinman BM, Hood MM, Nackers LM, Corsica JA. Mindfulness meditation as an intervention for binge eating, emotional eating, and weight loss: a systematic review. Eating behaviors. 2014 Apr 1;15(2):197-204.
O’Reilly GA, Cook L, Spruijt‐Metz D, Black DS. Mindfulness‐based interventions for obesity‐related eating behaviours: a literature review. Obesity reviews. 2014 Jun;15(6):453-61.
Ruffault A, Czernichow S, Hagger MS, Ferrand M, Erichot N, Carette C, Boujut E, Flahault C. The effects of mindfulness training on weight-loss and health-related behaviours in adults with overweight and obesity: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity research & clinical practice. 2017 Sep 1;11(5):90-111.
Warren JM, Smith N, Ashwell M. A structured literature review on the role of mindfulness, mindful eating and intuitive eating in changing eating behaviours: effectiveness and associated potential mechanisms. Nutrition research reviews. 2017 Dec;30(2):272-83.*Disclosure: Study was funded by Mondelez International.
Warren JM, Smith N, Ashwell M. A structured literature review on the role of mindfulness, mindful eating and intuitive eating in changing eating behaviours: effectiveness and associated potential mechanisms. Nutrition research reviews. 2017 Dec;30(2):272-83.*Disclosure: Study was funded by Mondelez International.
Warren JM, Smith N, Ashwell M. A structured literature review on the role of mindfulness, mindful eating and intuitive eating in changing eating behaviours: effectiveness and associated potential mechanisms. Nutrition research reviews. 2017 Dec;30(2):272-83.*Disclosure: Study was funded by Mondelez International.
Daubenmier J, Moran PJ, Kristeller J, Acree M, Bacchetti P, Kemeny ME, Dallman M, Lustig RH, Grunfeld C, Nixon DF, Milush JM. Effects of a mindfulness‐based weight loss intervention in adults with obesity: A randomized clinical trial. Obesity. 2016 Apr;24(4):794-804.
Daubenmier J, Moran PJ, Kristeller J, Acree M, Bacchetti P, Kemeny ME, Dallman M, Lustig RH, Grunfeld C, Nixon DF, Milush JM. Effects of a mindfulness‐based weight loss intervention in adults with obesity: A randomized clinical trial. Obesity. 2016 Apr;24(4):794-804.
Miller CK, Kristeller JL, Headings A, Nagaraja H. Comparison of a mindful eating intervention to a diabetes self-management intervention among adults with type 2 diabetes: a randomized controlled trial. Health Education & Behavior. 2014 Apr;41(2):145-54.
Miller CK, Kristeller JL, Headings A, Nagaraja H. Comparison of a mindful eating intervention to a diabetes self-management intervention among adults with type 2 diabetes: a randomized controlled trial. Health Education & Behavior. 2014 Apr;41(2):145-54.
Omiwole M, Richardson C, Huniewicz P, Dettmer E, Paslakis G. Review of mindfulness-related interventions to modify eating behaviors in adolescents. Nutrients. 2019 Dec;11(12):2917.
Omiwole M, Richardson C, Huniewicz P, Dettmer E, Paslakis G. Review of mindfulness-related interventions to modify eating behaviors in adolescents. Nutrients. 2019 Dec;11(12):2917.